July 24, 2024 at 06:39PM

Anyone who wants to support @ckure and @ckured financially can share their donations via UPI available in India and the middle-east. UPI ID: ckure@cnrb For those who are not able to access the UPI platform, they may transfer via PayPal, etc. https://t.me/cKure/14444

July 24, 2024 at 05:01PM

■■■□□ Fragments of BreachForums database of 29 November 2022 were published in Telegram on Tuesday evening. Including users’ private messages, IP and wallet addresses, etc. https://t.me/cKure/14443

July 24, 2024 at 01:58PM

■■■■■ WhatsApp trick: Android malware can impersonate PDF file. https://www.mobile-hacker.com/2024/07/23/whatsapp-trick-android-malware-can-impersonate-pdf-file/ https://t.me/cKure/14439

July 23, 2024 at 10:31AM

■■■■■ Whistleblower at Google’s Machine learning fairness algorithm trying to control the world by manipulating humans and feeding them misinformation. https://t.me/cKure/14435 https://t.me/cKure/14436

July 22, 2024 at 03:20PM

■■□□□ Locked Shields 2024: ESET bolsters Slovak cyber defence during live-fire NATO exercise. https://www.eset.com/uk/about/newsroom/press-releases/locked-shields-2024-eset-bolsters-slovak-cyber-defence-during-live-fire-nato-exercise/ https://t.me/cKure/14434

July 19, 2024 at 10:22AM

■■■■■ “THE R3SISTANC3” defaced the websites of the Bangladesh Prime Minister’s Office, the Bangladesh Rapid Action Battalion, and the Bangladesh Bank in an operation called “Operation HuntDown.” Source: Fusion Intelligence | 𝕏 https://t.me/cKure/14430