July 18, 2024 at 03:29PM

■■■■■ Bangladesh Police Website Hacked by “THE R3SISTANC3” The website of the Bangladesh Police was hacked by a group calling themselves “THE R3SISTANC3.” The hackers carried out this attack under the operation name,”Operation HuntDown.” The hackers changed the police website’s main page to display a message. They demanded an end to the killing of students,…

July 17, 2024 at 10:01AM

■■■■□ [ Tool ] RemoteSessionEnum: Remotely Enumerate sessions using undocumented Windows Station APIs. https://github.com/0xv1n/RemoteSessionEnum https://0xv1n.github.io/posts/sessionenumeration/ https://t.me/cKure/14418

July 17, 2024 at 12:15AM

VPN Zero-Day DYK most VPN services can actually make you less secure? Today x.com/PET_Symposium, Benjamin Mixon-Baca will present research done in collaboration with the Citizen Lab about how VPNs can enable an attacker to act as an in-path router between you and the VPN server. The study identifies a new vulnerability called a “port shadow”.…

July 16, 2024 at 11:38AM

■■■■□ United States The FBI just announced it had gained access to the password locked phone of Thomas Matthew Crooks, the suspected shooter in the assassination attempt of former President Trump. Shows how far we’ve come from the days of FBI v Apple. https://www.404media.co/fbi-gains-access-to-suspected-trump-shooters-password-locked-phone/ https://t.me/cKure/14414